Monday, 31 October 2016


I am definitely not where I was a few months ago, things have changed dramatically. For me,there is usually this mood that comes when my birthday is approaching. Appraising my self thoroughly and projecting for the coming year have been on my mind in the past weeks. Just a few days ago, a cold electric feeling ran through my body quickly as I remembered in flashes, the harrowing experiences that I faced last year. I told my self that this triumph was worth sharing.

Early this year, I was frequently on medication, I was told by the doctors to stay off work on several occasions. At a point, I wondered if I shouldn't just resign and take care of my health. My health was taking a nose dive, at a point,I felt I was dying because I was feeling terrible. I went through many tests because  my immune system had gotten terribly low.  Also, I fell ill with  Shingles,looking through the scars gotten from the Shingles, all I am doing now is saying thank God that was were it ended.

In the self same year, on my way back from private lessons, the occurrences of the night frightened me. I had been with two children and I remember driving off from their house at 8:40 pm, it was supposed to be less than 30 minutes drive back home. Surprisingly, there was this unusual traffic that did not seem to end, I kept calling my family and friend to let them know what was happening. Alas, at 10:35 pm, still in traffic, my window was hammered down by bad guys. I almost flew off the car as the glass shattered towards my face.It was very scary, I felt so vulnerable.

After all that, a lot of adjustments were made in my life. Eating well and making wise decisions concerning my private lessons; it changed my life. It was so funny to realize that malnutrition had led to most of the challenges I was facing at the time.

On a final note, I want us all to try and have a balanced life; psychologically, emotionally,spiritually and so on. Every time we try to place one part of our lives more importantly than the others, we suffer the ultimate consequence of our action. Today, I work harder than I did some months ago. I am healthy now,I am so glad that I am alive today, hale and hearty to tell these stories.


Saturday, 22 October 2016


Through the windows of SS1 Agu, I recall my dad’s brisk strides along the corridor and then his halt at the door of my classroom. I could tell he was straight from work in his white uniform, I smiled at him and introduced him to my form master. The teacher gave him a seat and then the boring ‘Open Day’ process began.

Occasionally, I would turn and watch my dad flip my books page after page.  I guess it was just a ritual that needed to be done. Soon, the teacher begins to talk to my dad and in no time they are done and the process ends. An easy process right?

However, one of the scariest seasons for me as a teacher is conferencing week or open day as it were in my schooling years. Early enough in my career, as an assistant teacher, I had an unpalatable experience during conferencing, it is still vivid in my memory. Nothing scares me in my line of work like meeting the parents to formally discuss their child.

I recall six years ago when a parent stormed into our class ready for a fight. She had her ready script and made a lot of noise in the class. I watched and listened as the teacher I was assisting was handling the situation. Things got worse and she asked to see the supervisors, she complained a lot, she practically left both of us dazed.

Were we such bad teachers? No, these things happen occasionally with unsatisfied parents and  we were simply caught  off guard by an unsuspecting parent. We had no proofs to back our argument against the child who was a homework defaulter. After that, I saw and heard more about conferencing mishaps, without giving a second thought to it, I naturally developed some kind of mini phobia for it.
However, since I realised it was inevitable for me as a teacher, I had to look for ways to develop some skills and be better prepared for the dreaded season. I would share some of the ones that I have used with profitable feedback.

It is important to note that while my method works for me, others may need to modify it. Secondly, my method is not a guarantee to leave a parent always satisfied. I do this to give parents value for their time and money whilst hoping it minimizes unpleasant reactions.

  •  I consciously observe the pupils from the moment they walk into my class within the first week of a new session/term and take notes. After a few weeks, I look out for development and changes and figure out an action plan. This process helps me form a near accurate picture of every child.
  •  I like to build a relationship with my pupils. Asking relevant questions work for me as I am able to understand why they do certain things that I cannot understand. Mind you, I do not pry into the private lives of the children I teach. I ask questions that help me form an impression of the child. For example, ‘Why don’t you like going to the playground?’
  •  When conferencing is approaching, I start planning. Opening every note, reading comments I had made in notes (especially Creative Writing) and check to see if progress has been/is being made. With all the information gathered, I develop a comprehensive script for every child(I am more comfortable having something to refer to than talking from my head even though I know it).

  • When I meet the parents, I greet warmly and try to make them feel relaxed before I begin.
  •  I usually start with my observations and corroborate that with the pupil’s notes/tests. When we have validated the core areas to be improved upon, I begin to proffer strategies for improvement. For parents who work closely with their children, they usually concur and are happy that you care enough to know so much about their child.  
  • I always discuss social skills with parents. If a child needs help to build certain skills or correct funny mannerisms, I let the parents know. For me, character has a huge role to play in a child’s learning process.
  •  I make sure my discussions are sincere to the best of my ability.

  •          Being observant to parents’ reactions has helped a lot. Doing so helps you plan for the next conferencing and provide more satisfaction.
  •          Be open minded.  I have realised that different parents have specific things they wish for their children. Never push aside what they say, if it can be harnessed with your class goals for the pupil, attempt it.
  •        Have them write a comment, this way, you really know what they think about the meeting.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Light Up a Child's Flame

'My little brother, Akan, is a genius,' I used to say this to my friends. At Class 2, he would come
home curious, searching the encyclopedia and the internet to study further on what he had learnt at school. In no time, he knew valid information of all the past US presidents,world tallest and shortest people along with their stories and so much more. He used to thrill visitors to the house with his wealth of self-searched knowledge. Today, he is in Year 9, all I can do is salute his primary school teachers,it was never always about his cleverness alone; his teachers stirred up that fire.

My little brother's story made me become very passionate about helping my pupils develop the habit of researching. I would tell them to read books and  learn about the world. I would explain to them how becoming life long learners would make them a force to be reckoned with. Spending time to inspire these precious pupils everyday was a delight to me as I knew if they caught the vision, they would be outstanding. My greatest joy at the time was the day I received a call from a parent who thanked me for inspiring her son to become a researcher, he had sung my praise and became a practitioner of my message.

Fast forward to October 2016, there was a burst of excitement in my stomach when a child  in my class  curiously asked, 'Miss Umosen how was Sir Ahmadu Bello assassinated?' I had just finished teaching a class on 'The Struggle for Nigeria's Independence.' Enthusiastically, I browsed the  internet for an appropriate story to answer his question which we read together.  Also impressive was when I turned to explain the account to him, he smiled and said, 'he was killed by soldiers.' Before then, he would hardly ask or answer any question in my class. Trying to be close to him was an arduous task as he seemed to have this wall around him, on this day, the walls came crashing.

Surprisingly, it wasn't only he, I had a line up of pupils waiting to ask a question,share an experience or just make a comment on the topic I had just taught. Without  an iota of doubt, I could tell that the pupils enjoyed the class, I aroused their interest and it stirred up something that made them curious. Teacher Idara began to ask herself vital questions, I have taught this topic a few times, 'what did I do differently?'

With these eight year old boys and girls, I decided to bring history to their present and then take it back again. We linked topics of the past, 'Pre-Amalgamation Rulers,' we acted, we watched a detailed video on the topic which I kept pausing and expatiating on,we did picture games, name games and above all I made the pupils understand that the characters like Margaret Ekpo, Tafawa Balewa, Obafemi Awolowo and others were not fictitious but real people. Since that day, I have tried to use more varied approaches in a single learning experience and it seems to be working for the pupils in my current class.

Importantly, note that the approach I use for my class may not be good enough for another class because the set of pupils we teach may differ in their learning styles. Teachers should understand that their relationship  with the pupils  is highly important, in doing so, you understand the learning needs of your pupils better. As soon as I had an opportunity to solidify my relationship with the pupil in my class, I dived into it.

Finally, no matter what resources and approach we would use to teach, we must make it an all child inclusive one. This means that your teaching method should by all means create an avenue to engage every child actively. As teachers, we can inspire the pupils and grow giants, it's up to us.