Monday, 22 January 2018


Ever heard of that feline called the Lion? I think that's an asinine question.  You see what I  did with the-ine words there?

 Well, when hunting the lion works in a team of "professionals" called a "pride", unlike its cousins the cheetah, tiger and the leopard.

Ever compared each animal's hunting success rate? Okay, that's for National Geographic to school us on the exact figures. But,  the clear definition of roles in the Pride is thrilling; the Spotter, the Distractor, the Catcher and all. Interestingly, that doesn't negate the fact that the lioness can also hunt (and succeed) alone, but the BIG kills in the jungle always require the team.

The professional environment is a "concrete jungle", involving competition with other companies and the same rules replicate themselves-in human form.


Find the people who have the same goals as you do, so that the objectives and vision are clear, and always stay clear.

However, there are certain prerequisites that make for a "well-stewed" team. They are LOYALTY, HONESTY, NO BACK-BITING or GOSSIPING, CLEAR DEFINITION OF ROLES, DEDICATION AND THE POSITIVE MINDSET, RESPECT among other sub-prerequisites.

Most importantly for us, one ingredient that stands out is LOYALTY, a few of the other criteria are birthed from loyalty and that's why they say "Loyalty is expensive, do not expect it from cheap people".

Be loyal to your team. Be loyal to the organization. Achieve big things.

Go get them.


This little chap, Sunday, is a pupil of a school that we, David Obianyor, Idara Umosen and a formidable team,have been working with in partnership with the kind Obaforehanmi for about three months.

During our last leg of the first phase of the project, his father, our contracted painter, was full of joy and excitement.  He mentioned how his son had told him about the transformation going on in his school.
We patiently listened as he express his joy endlessly.

Soon, Sunday showed up to help his dad out and we were delighted to have a word with him. He kept on looking and moving around, marveling at the work done in the classrooms and the school at large.Afterwards, he stared endlessly at his own classroom without saying any words.

We are excited that the pupils will learn under better conditions and use a more befitting toilet regardless of rain or other harsh weather conditions

Furthermore, we met another student of the school (adult education) who we contracted to do a few carpentry jobs. He was excited to help as well.

Lessons learnt: Every learner enjoys and appreciates a more conducive learning environment.

We say a huge thank you to Obaforehanmi(TF) for leading our paths to this school and allowing us to partner with you on this project that was so dear to her heart.