Jolaawo was a 24 year old guy from an average Nigerian family. His parents were teachers and he always wanted to be one as well.
He used to believe that as a teacher, hewill close early from work and have other small businesses that can fetch him more money.
Soon, he realised that being a teacher requires more time. In less than a year, he lost his drive.
He would rush off from work to meet up with lessons, leaving a lot of school work undone and in no time, became an under performer at work.
One would think he raked in cool cash from his after school endeavours. Right?
He was losing on both sides and because he paid no attention to professional development,he quickly became stale and kicked out of work.
He was smart, young, had the relevant qualification, knew the content of the lesson.
He was not up to date. He was loosing his relevance bit by bit and had no idea of it.
Don't be a Jolaawo,
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