For a while, I have been writing on the need for teachers to be in tune with technogical trends because it stands as one of the key tools to being outstanding in the 21st century. Some may begin to say that in the past, they were taught by very good teachers and still did exceptionally in examinations.
Furthermore,there are extremely brilliant teachers who still teach without technology, they can boast of teaching students who have gotten scholarships and exceptional results. So, what's the fuss about technology?
The world is definitely running at a pace so fast that all we keep doing is to try and catch up. You know what? Technology stands right at the centre of this and it automatically affects every sphere of life, includng you and your classroom.
Africans are generally known for their large appetite for inventions from the western world. We are heavy users of technology and the children we teach are not left out. Here's my thought, we need to be smart enough to begin to teach our chldren that they can also become creators/inventors/innovators.
I am privleged to have a classroom where children can bring in their devices for learning. So, a thought came to my mind as they were about to embark on their termly project. These are mostly eight year olds who had been using their laptops for only a few weeks.
"Listen up everyone, we are starting our project today and would be using Microsoft PowerPoint." I quickly connected my computer to the projector and began to show them how to create slides, install page designs, insert pictures and symbols,draw tables, add animation, time their slides and finally do a voice over - all these happened in 10 minutes. It was a spontaneous decision and I was eager to see how everything would turn out.
A few hours passed and everyone was actively engaged, excitement filled the air and I am guessng it was first because it was a totally new experience for them in my class. You cannot imagine the pleasure I felt when I saw them taking turns to input data, how arguementative some groups were and how quiet others were. Mind you, I was not expecting a perfect job but trying to develop new skills(creativity in technology) and strenthen old ones(collaboration).
I scaffolded minimally and encouraged group members to remind each other of the steps they needed to take. At the end, I was pleased with the outcome everyone did the major things except for a group. The group felt really bad that they couldn't get to do their voice over like the others. The group leader had made herself a boss over them and refused to do what others suggested. Continuously, I intervened and made them aware that time was running out but sadly they still could not meet up.I ceased the golden opportunity to explain to the pupils how impportant teamwork is and what the lack of it could cause. That learning cannot be forgotten in a hurry.
There's no doubt that there's a transformation going on in my classroom, yours can be so too.
This work was randomly picked from all the submitted presentations.
Consent was duly given by parents of the children whose names and voices are featured in the video above.
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