Friday, 14 July 2017


Something interesting happened this week, one of my sisters who is on the verge of completing her high school came home. She needed to do an interview for her choice university and so she was at home for a few days. The night before she was to go back, she came into the room with a box. She had chosen photography as a subject from SS1.

‘You guys see what I did in photography for WAEC practical,’ Unwana said as she carefully unzipped. She brought out a gigantic photo album (over a hundred capacity), she had snapped a lot of creative and beautiful pictures; nature, buildings, people and many more. We, every member of the family present could not hide the surprise and joy.  Next, she brought out handmade frames mage from boards, then other frames that she had bought, all with amazing pictures in them. I was very pleased.

You cannot begin to imagine all the ideas I gave to her since she would be studying journalism in the university.

Meanwhile, way back in high school as I sat during a valedictory service, I was in SS1,I recall the principal telling the parents why the school wasn't offering vocational subjects. 'We are not interested in training menial workers, we are grooming professionals' he said.I remember that line because it was followed by a loud applause, I actually thought my principal was on point at that time. It caused a disruption in my mind.

Prior to that time, I loved destroying my old clothes and re sewing with a needle and thread. I would wear them and tell people I sewed them myself. With my new mind shift, I only continued as a hobby, since I was made to believe that it was only the uneducated who learnt such skills (poor me).It took so many years to realise that I was misguided.

Today, I am a preacher of the need to acquire skills, 21st century skills to be precise. When I came across this post through a phenomenal educator as I, Halimah Bello- Osagie, I was overjoyed. Take a good look at the vocational skills being offered. I commend the organizers of this programme, they are trendy and forward thinking.

I called my brother who just finished his junior WAEC and told him to choose a skill. I sent for his friend and right now they are so in for this programme. He is definitely going to sharpen some old skills and learn new ones.

What are your teens doing this summer? Do not leave them to play all day aimlessly. Let them acquire skills, gain a work experience or create something. Better still, register them on the programme, it's for only a week. 

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